The Developmental Psychology in Action Lab is based in the Department of Psychology, School of Social Sciences (SoSS) at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh. We research how people, especially children, use new technology. Working with interdisciplinary partners in Computer Science at the Edinburgh Centre for Robotics and Heriot-Watt Robotics Lab, Heriot-Watt Social Robotics Group and Human-Robot Interaction (HRI) Group, Digital Education, EPSCR's Human-Like Computing Network and Engineering – we develop and evaluate technologies at the cutting edge of human computer interaction.
Our theoretical heart is psychological, notably developmental theory of both typical and atypical development, which we use to inform all our work. Our focus is across many disciplines from STE(A)M (science, technology, engineering [Arts] and maths) to sport science and outdoor education. We are currently moving to reproducibility through the Open Science Framework.
All this technology is making us antisocial
If you are particularly interested in one of the lab themes, and would like to do a PhD, then please get in touch with lab director Thusha Rajendran. You can apply here for a named PhD. Other entry points into this field masters conversion courses [especially if you have have a Psychology Degree]: MSc/Diploma in Human Robot Interaction; MSc In Artificial Intelligence and MSc in Data Science.
Email: t.rajendran@hw.ac.uk
+44 (0) 131 451 3456