
McKenna, P., Robb, D.A.,  Montino Pimentel, J., Wilson, B., Moujahid, M., Argyropoulos, I., Cangelosi, A. , Demiris, Y., Hastie, H.,  Rajendran. G, & Romeo, M. (submitted). Trust Dynamics in Human-Robot Interaction: The Impact of Visual Perspective Taking . HRI.

Dragostinov et al. (in prep). Guidelines for Scale Development and Validation for Human-Robot Interaction Research. Computers in Human Behaviour.

Nesset, B.,  Rajendran, G., & Romeo, M (accepted) .Broken Trust: Does the Agent Matter? Human-Agent Interaction.

Camus, L., Jones, K., O'Dowd, E., Auyeung, B., Rajendran, G. & Stewart, M. E.. (2024). Autistic traits and psychosocial predictors of depressive symptoms. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 1-9.

Bridle, H., & Rajendran, G., (2024). Let’s Do Engineering broadens young children’s understanding of engineers. Frontiers in Education. (Vol. 9, p. 1379666). Frontiers.

Dragostinov, Y., Booth, T.,  Mõttus, R., Cangelosi, A.   Demiris, Y., McKenna P. E. , Nesset, B., Robb, D. A., Romeo,  M., & Rajendran. G. (in prep). Introducing the 6-Item Trustfulness Scale (6TS): Development and Validation.

Nesset, B., Romeo, M., Rajendran, G., & Hastie, H. (2023, August). Robot Broken Promise? Repair strategies for mitigating loss of trust for repeated failures. In 2023 32nd IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 1389-1395). IEEE.

Camus,  L., Macmillan, K.,  Rajendran, G., & Stewart, M.E. (submitted). 'I too, need to belong': Autistic adults' perspectives on misunderstandings and well-being.  Autism.

Camus, L., Rajendran, G., & Stewart. M.E. (2023). Social self-efficacy and mental well-being in autistic adults  exploring the role of social identity and the double empathy problem. Autism, 28(5), 1258-1267.

McKenna, P.E., Keller. I., Part, J.L., Lim, M. Y., Aylett, R., Broz. F., & Rajendran. G.  (in preparation). "Sorry to Disturb You": Human-robot interruption for workplace skills development . Transactions on Human-Robot Interaction.

Dragostinov, Y.,Harðardóttir, D., McKenna, P.E., Robb, D. A., Nesset, B., Ahmad, M., Romeo, M., Lim, M.Y., Yu, C., Jang, Y., Sharafeldeen, M., Cangelosi., A., Demiris, Y., Hastie. H., & Rajendran, G. (2022). Preliminary Psychometric Scale Development Using the Mixed Methods Delphi Technique. Methods in Psychology. 100103.

Rajendran, G., McKenna, P.E., & Corley, M. (2022). Characterising Developmental Disorders: Towards Better Group Comparisons in Developmental Research. Methods in Psychology, 100101.

Romeo, M., McKenna, P. E., Robb, D. A., Rajendran, G., Nesset, B., Cangelosi, A., & Hastie, H. (2022, August). Exploring Theory of Mind for Human-Robot Collaboration. In 2022 31st IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN) (pp. 461-468). IEEE.

Nesset, B., Rajendran, G., Aguas Lopes, J. D., & Hastie, H. (2022, March). Sensitivity of Trust Scales in the Face of Errors. In Proceedings of the 2022 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 950-954).

McKenna, P. E., Keller, I., Part, J. L., Lim, M. Y., Aylett, R., Broz, F., & Rajendran, G. (2020, March). " Sorry to Disturb You" Autism and Robot Interruptions. In Companion of the 2020 ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction (pp. 360-362).

Manches, A., McKenna, P., Rajendran, G., & Robertson, J. (2020). Identifying Embodied Metaphors for Computer Education. Computers in Human Behavior. 105, 105859.

Porayska-Pomsta, K.., & Rajendran, G. (2019). Accountability in human and artificial decision-making as the basis for diversity and educational inclusion. In J. Knox, Y. Wang, M. Gallagher (Eds.), Speculative Futures for Artificial Intelligence and Educational Inclusion. Springer Nature. 

Aylett, R., Ritter, C., Lim, M.Y., Broz, F., McKenna, P.E., Keller, I., & Rajendran , G. (2019). An architecture for emotional faces as social signals. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.

Sheppard, E., Lehmann, H., Rajendran, G., McKenna, P. E., Lemon, O., & Lohan, K. S. (2018). Towards life long learning: Multimodal learning of mnist handwritten digits. In IEEE ICDL EPIROB 2018 Workshop on Life Long Learning.

Porayska-Pomsta, K., Alcorn, A., Avramides, K., Beale, S., Bernardini, S., Foster, M-E., Frauenberger, C., Good, J., Guldberg, K., Keay-Bright, W., Kossyvaki, L., Lemon, O., Mademtzi, M., Menzies, R., Mital., P., Pain, H., Rajendran, G., Waller, A., Wass, S., & Smith.,T.J. (2019). Blending Human and Artificial Intelligence to support Autistic Children's Social Skills. Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction.

Gray, S.I., Roberston, J., Manches., A, & Rajendran, G. (2019). BrainQuest: The use of motivational design theories to create a cognitive training game. 127, 124-149. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies.

McKenna, P.E., Ghosh, A., Aylett, R., Broz, F., & Rajendran, G. (2018). Cultural Social Signal Interplay with an Expressive Robot. Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA). Sydney, Australia, November 5-8, 2018.

Fallon, T., Alyett, R., Minnis, H., & Rajendran, G. (2018). Investigating social vulnerability in children using computer mediated role-play. Computers and Education, 125, 458-464.

Lohan, K.S., Sheppard, E., Little, G.E., & Rajendran, G. (2018). Towards improved child robot interaction by understanding eye movements. IEEE Transactions on Cognitive and Developmental Systems. vol. 10, no. 4, pp. 983-992, Dec. 2018.

McKenna, P.E., Aylett, R., Ghosh, A., Broz, F., & Rajendran. G. (2018). Robot Expressive Behaviour and Autistic Traits. AAMAS (International Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems). July 10-15, 2018, Stockholm, Sweden.

Deshmukh, A., Lohan, K. S., Rajendran, G., & Aylett, R. (2018). Social Impact of Recharging Activity in Long-Term HRI and Verbal Strategies to Manage User Expectations During Recharge. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, 5(23). doi:10.3389/frobt.2018.00023

McKenna, P.E, Lim, M.Y., Ghosh, A., Aylett, R., Broz, F., & Rajendran. G. (2017). Do you think I approve of that? Designing facial expressions for a robot. The 9th International Conference on Social Robotics (ICSR), November 22-24, 2017, Tsukuba, Japan.

Lohan, K. S., Sheppard, E., Little, G., & Rajendran, G. (2016, September). Distinguishing children with ASD using pupil diameter metrics. In 6th Joint IEEE International Conferenceon on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics 2016.

Little, G. E., Bonnar, L., Kelly, S., Lohan, K.S., & Rajendran, G. (2016). Gaze contingent joint attention with an avatar in children with and without ASD.  2016 Joint IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and Epigenetic Robotics (ICDL-EpiRob), Cergy-Pontoise, 2016, pp. 15-20. 

Lim, T., Yurchenko, D., Rajendran, G., Sivanathan, A., & Ritchie, J. (2016). Advances in balance and biofeedback measurement: The case for health-based, postural serious games. Proceedings of the ASME 2016 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference IDETC/CIE 2016 August 21-24, 2016, Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.

Buckingham, G., Michelakakis, E.V., & Rajendran, G. (2016). The influence of prior knowledge on perception and action: relationships to autistic traits. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 46, 1716–1724.

McKenna, P.E., Glass, A., Rajendran, G. & Corley, M. (2015). Strange Words: Autistic Traits and the Processing of Non-Literal Language. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 45, 3606- 3612.

Gray, S.I., Roberston, J., & Rajendran, G. (2015). BrainQuest: an active smart phone game to enhance executive function. ACM SIGCHI Interaction Design and Children.

McKenna, P., Lemon, O., Corley, M., Boa, D., & Rajendran, G. (2014). One Step At a Time: Multimodal Interfaces and Children’s Executive Functioning. The 4th IEEE International Conference on Development and Learning and on Epigenetic Robotics.

Hislop, M., Sivanathan, A., Lim, T., Ritchie, J. M., Rajendran, G., & Louchart, S. (2014). Beyond simulators: Using F1 games to predict driver performance, learning and potential. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8605, 157-171. doi: 10.1007/978-3-319-12157-4_13

Rajendran, G. (2013). Virtual environments and autism: a developmental psychopathological approach. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning, 29, 4, 334–347.

Pritchett, R., Minnis, H., Puckering, C., Rajendran, G., & Wilson, P. (2013). Can behaviour during immunisation be used to identify attachment patterns? A feasibility study. International Journal of Nursing Studies, 50, 3, 386-391.

Porayska-Pomsta, K., Frauenberger, C., Pain, H., Rajendran, G., Smith, T., Menzies, R., Foster, M. E., Alcorn, A., Wass, S., Bernadini, S., Avramides, K., Keay-Bright, W., Chen, J., Waller, A., Guldberg, K., Good, J. & Lemon (2012). Developing technology for autism: an interdisciplinary approach, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing. 117-127.

Rajendran, G., Law, A. S., Logie, R. H., van der Meulen, M. A., Fraser, D., & Corley, M. (2011). Investigating multitasking in high-functioning adolescents with autism spectrum disorders using the Virtual Errands Task. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 41, 1445-1454.

Allen, M. L., Haywood, S., Rajendran, G., & Branigan, H. (2011). Evidence for syntactic alignment in children with autism. Developmental Science. 14(3), 540-548.

Stieglitz Ham, H., Bartolo, A., Corley, M., Rajendran, G., Szabo, A., & Swanson, S. (2011). Exploring the relationship between gestural recognition and imitation: Evidence of dyspraxia in autism spectrum disorders. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 41, 1-12

Alcorn, A., Pain, H., Rajendran, G., Smith, T., Lemon, O., Porayska-Pomsta, K., . . . Bernardini, S. (2011). Social communication between virtual characters and children with autism. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 6738, 7-14.

Ham, H. S., Bartolo, A., Corley, M., Swanson, S., & Rajendran, G. (2010). Case report: Selective deficit in the production of intransitive gestures in an individual with autism. Cortex, 46(3), 407-409.

Alloway, T. P., Rajendran, G., & Achibald, L. M. D. (2009). Working memory in children with developmental disorders. Journal of Learning Disabilities. 42(4), 372-382.

Stieglitz Ham, H., Corley, M., Rajendran, G., Carletta, J., & Swanson, S. (2008). Brief Report: Imitation of meaningless gestures in adolescents with Asperger syndrome and high-functioning autism. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 38(3), 569-573.

Rajendran, G., & Mitchell, P. (2007). Cognitive theories of autism. Developmental Review, 27(2), 224-260.

Rajendran, G., & Mitchell, P. (2006). Text chat a tool for referential questioning in Asperger syndrome. Journal of Speech Language and Hearing Research, 49, 102-112.

Rajendran, G., Mitchell, P., & Rickards, H. (2005). How do individuals with Asperger syndrome respond to nonliteral language and inappropriate requests in computer-mediated communication? Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 35, 4, 429-442

Mitchell, P., Ropar, D., Ackroyd, K., & Rajendran, G. (2005). How perception impacts on drawings. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human perception and performance, 31, 5, 996-1003.

Rajendran, G., & Mitchell, P. (2000). Computer mediated interaction in Asperger’s syndrome: The Bubble Dialogue program. Computers and Education, 35, 187-207.